Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Storm chasers and tornado watchers?

I hate those people. What do they really know? They are in these vehicles that are meant to withstand things. They put themselves in it. And then they act like they know everything. Do they ever give a thought to the people that are just living their lives and don't have an iron clad humvee to sit in? I don't care what they say. Unless you have truly been through the experience of a tornado, you don't know chit. I respect the fact that they call it ahead of time and give us warning. But to sit there and relish when they get to be in a tornado is beyond me. I think next time they should sit there and think about a Mom and child praying for their lives in a bath tub. Not be on TV and talking about what they have done. I just think it's so disrespectful.

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