Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does anybody have any good info regarding "Kush",legal smoking herbs and spices?

I am wondering if these can be addicting? Also is it WORSE than normal marijuana? Help me out here guys,cuz I hear BOTH sides and want to know who is right and who is wrong. I have had both positive and negative reactions,in my own experience. Some r just kind of relaxing and others make me feel like an acid trip is coming on and then I feel like I am going to puke and have to lay my *** down for an hour or two. But I NEVER know which one I am going to get cuz sometimes it's ok and other times it makes me feel sick. And I can NOT stand the sick feeling. And sometimes the cansister is really full and the next time it may be half as full as the other one. WTF is goin on with this stuff? Should I just stick to regular buds? OR just quit BOTH? I am kinda on both sides of the coin,so to speak!

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