Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ladies what's with you and this way of thinking?

When are you going to leave all the teenage I just want to have fun bs behind,when will it be time to grow up?I mean You say nice guys are weak and don't take risks and bad boys are so much better,there is no hidden good man in the so called bad boy,there is no in between good and bad man you can't change a man,a man is who he is one way or the other.any woman that says I want a mix wants her cake and eat it too,she wants to run around and still expects the good man to still be there pull her *** out of the fire when the so called bad boy ruins here and leaves her with his kids.You say you like the so called bad boy because he is in control,what nice guys aren't wtf,you come up with the most foolish reasoning behind you bad boy choosing,you reward the boys and punish the men,you feed the so called bad boys silly little egos and punish the nice guys for doing what real men do,why?because he doesn't fit into what the media tells you is the right guy to go after,into what the media stupidly calls a real man.Ask yourselves ladies who is truly stronger,the men who takes the hard road or the boys who take the easy one?why do most of you toss around the word confidence like you know what it means,saying nice guy lack confidence,they don't ask you out.come on now,you can't think of a better lie then that?Am just amazed at how women think today,you praise these so called bad boys for doing stupid **** like that but hate the good man for being a real man,You women always underestimate the good man,calling him man is weak and boring for being good to you,why?Good men are weak ha,go tell your bad boy to try one and watch the results.It's funny how women say all of them are not the same yet you constantly make excuses you these so called bad boys.then when someone calls you on it you say that their not really nice, wtf?nice guys are weak and won't fight,ha,you can let these overrated so called bad boys come on here and blow your heads up with that bull if you want to.don't give me that alpha male,animal instinct bs,I'm so sick of hearing that bull,that is an insult to animals,animals don't keep running back to things that hurt them.

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