Thursday, July 14, 2011

My cousin........................…

There 5 years difference between us, I'm in year 7 , he's in year 12. We go to the same school and he's quite popular (he was on Wayne rooney's street striker). Most of the school know him. So you can guess there's be a lot of rumours about him. I just ignore them, but it's some of them get on my nerves! A few months a go apparently he lost he virginity in the park? What are the chances of that being true? I know he's not stupid enough to do that, but why does everyone keep on talking about it? today I find out that a year 10 girl is claiming to have been raped by him. I mean WTF? I can't talk to him about it because I know he'll lie (he got into a fight, and hurt himself, I asked him what had happened, he just said he fell off his bike).

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