Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What should i do about my stolen bike?

im 14 and i let this girl ride my bike to the park and i was like 3 blocks away from the park . . STUPID ME ! And i was by the library and i see two guys ride by on a bike one looked like mines but i couldnt know for sure so i went to the park and she was scared to tell me what happened. I found out, i was pissed so i rode around looking for the guy couldnt find him so i got his friends number he finally comes to the park and hes talking alot of mess so i call some people he tries to leave and i chase him and i beat his *** in the middle of the street and we got fined 100 dollars on a citation for it. My dad was pissed. We put out a police report for a stolen bike but the guy doesnt live out here so he might be in another city with the bike. I have him as a friend on facebook im wondering if i should message him because i cannot get this off my mind it seems to be haunting me. The stupid ***** its her fault but his too Please help me idk what to do i dont think ill find it. I had just bought a new lock for it and everything. It was a red outer limits mongoose that costs $96.36 im pissed and i want my bike back what should i do help !! should i message him and i need some encouragement to make me feel better :(

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