Monday, July 11, 2011

Mortal kombat 9 network connection issue?

hey dudes, i'm from india and i have an US psn account(because when i bought the ps3, psn did not come for india). Anyway, i redeemed my online pass and when i try to connect to the lobby, it fails and tells me "Network Connection Lost, check your Ethernet and router connection"...or something like that. It connects to the lobby but before it does, an ENDING GAME msg pops up for a sec and i get that error message. Like, WTF DUDES!!! i wanna play this game online so bad!! HELP PLEASE!!!

1 comment:

ashutosh152 said...

Hey, were you able to resolve your Network connection issue? even i am having the same issue. Please even tell me how did you resolve it.

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